What Are the Common Types of Back Pain?

Oct 10, 2021

Do you know anyone who has never experienced back pain? Almost everyone experiences this condition at some point in their lives. But for around 8% of the population, back pain is something they have to deal with day in and day out.

If you are someone who experiences chronic back pain, it’s important to figure out exactly what is wrong. So, what are the main types of back pain?

Keep reading as we explain the different kinds of back pain as well as how they can be treated.

Nerve Pain

One common back pain comes from nerve damage. When the spinal nerve root is compressed or inflamed, it can cause debilitating pain. When discussing nerve pain, it is generally chronic rather than occasional pain.

People often describe this as feeling like electric shocks, and it is also referred to as radicular pain. It can cause discomfort to extend to the legs.

herniated disc and sciatica are two common examples of nerve pain.

In terms of back pain treatment for nerve damage, the pain will often dissipate after a few weeks. During this time, steroids, physiotherapy, and ice and heat compressions can help ease the pain. 

The need for surgery is very unusual for nerve pain.

Muscle Strain

Next, another widespread cause of back pain is strained muscles. This is known as axial or mechanical pain and is often caused by overexertion or bad movement during sport; for example, a fall.

One of the main symptoms of back pain, when it is a muscle strain, is a throbbing or aching pain. It can be both dull and sharp, and can come and go often.

A great treatment for back pain in these scenarios is using a massage chair. This helps to relax the muscles, remove knots, and lets your body recover.

The Osim massage chairs can be customized to suit your specific preferences and can be easily adjusted for the most comfortable position.

Fractures and Bone Pain

Finally, the last common kinds of back pain are fractures and bone spurs. Broken bones and fractures are easily diagnosable via x-ray scans.

But, there are also other types of bone pain, such as osteoarthritis. This presents itself as a constant ache as the bones painfully grind together.

Another example is osteoporosis, one of the most common conditions, where bones become more brittle. Vitamin supplements and exercise are often recommended to counteract osteoporosis; meanwhile, searching for the best massage chair will help to relieve the pain.

Those Are the Main Types of Back Pain

Now that we’ve explored the common types of back pain, you can look for an effective treatment. The more you know about your specific condition, the easier it will be to find the right solution.

Don’t forget, Osim massage chairs utilize advanced technology to extract knots and relieve tension. Check out our full range of massage chairs and other products that will help to minimize your chronic aches and pains.

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